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Master's Certificate in Program/Project Management

This program provides knowledge of the organizational, human, business and technical processes for successfully managing projects and programs.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate a structured knowledge of business management, project management, or financial management principles and practices.

  • Show the ability to use the basic functional elements necessary for select business operations.

  • Demonstrate a facility in critical analysis, communication, and quantitative and synthesizing skills.

  • Demonstrate an increase in skills and experience for today's competitive marketplace.

To earn your Master’s Certificate in Project/Program Management you must accrue 18 credits.


It is required that you take Building and Managing Project Teams (PMP 671). You have the option of selecting one other required course from a list of three (PMP 625, PMP 627 and PMP 628), depending on your professional interest and whether you manage projects or programs. After taking the two required courses, you may choose any four of the six electives.

Course List

Start by taking the following required courses:

Then take any four (4) of the following courses:

*Courses marked with an asterisk are required.

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