SCM 621
Application in Supply Chain Management (ยง)
Semester Units
Course Description
It is only over the last few years that firms have started focusing on logistics and supply chain management as a source of competitive advantage. There is a realization that no company can do any better than its logistics system. This becomes even more important given that product life cycles are shrinking and competition is intense. Logistics and supply chain management today represents a great challenge as well as a tremendous opportunity for most firms.
In this course you will study advanced topics of the supply chain from the point of view of a general manager. Logistics and supply chain management is all about managing the hand-offs in a supply chain โ hand-offs of either information or product. The goal in this course is to understand how logistical decisions impact the performance of the firm as well as the entire supply chain. The key will be to understand the link between supply chain structures and logistical capabilities in a firm. Students will apply concepts learned in previous courses as well as real life case analysis throughout this course.
Course Learning Outcomes
Not available for this course due to teach-out