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SCM 616

Global Logistics Management (ยง)

Semester Units




Course Description

Supply chain logistics management encompasses the development and fundamentals of the logistics discipline within a supply chain structure. It also presents a vision of the future of business logistics and supply chain management and their role in enterprise competitiveness.

Logistics includes all the activities required to move product and information to, from, and between members of a supply chain. The supply chain provides the framework for businesses and their suppliers to jointly deliver goods, services, and information efficiently, effectively, and relevantly to customers. This course presents the mission, business processes, and strategies needed to achieve integrated logistical management. The course has three fundamental objectives: (1) to present a comprehensive description of existing logistical practices in a global economy; (2) to describe ways and means to apply logistics principles to achieve competitive advantage; and (3) to provide a conceptual approach for integrating logistics as a core competency within enterprise supply chain strategy.

Course Learning Outcomes

  • Not available for this course due to teach-out

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