ACC 635
Negotiation - Principles and Practices (ยง)
Semester Units
BUS 602
Course Description
Negotiation takes place when two or more parties, each with their own objectives, seek to reach a mutually satisfying agreement. Negotiation is not the process of giving in or mutual sacrifice in order to secure an agreement. It is a process used to find a formula which will maximize the interest of all parties to the negotiation. Negotiation takes place in all phases of business.
The contracting and purchasing process requires a knowledge of when and how to negotiate statements of work, costs, price, and terms and conditions. Negotiation is of major importance in project/program management since it is one of the main tools of customers, project managers, team leaders and functional managers in planning and controlling the project. Negotiation is used in almost every day-to-day business activity and is vital to the successful completion of any business arrangement.
This course offers a complete approach to the development of the knowledge, attitude and skill required for success in negotiation. The emphasis is on the entire negotiation process, not just on a series of unrelated negotiation tactics. It provides both experienced and inexperienced negotiators with a complete conceptual framework for negotiation so that new experiences are added to and complement previous ones. It also provides a basis for transferring acquired skills and experience to others. The course consists of two basic segments. The first part of the course is primarily a presentation of the principles and practices of negotiation. The second part of the course consists of negotiation practice based on realistic business situations.
Course Learning Outcomes
Not available for this course due to teach-out